PRO TIP: You can get Amazon Prime free for one month, but…

…you have to remember to cancel your membership, or your credit card will get charged at the end of the free trial. That’s how they hook you in, but you already knew that. (That’s how they hooked me in, but it saves me money in the long run…)

Disclaimer: I make money from Amazon.

If you click on the free trial membership links on this page and try their Amazon Prime for free, I will receive a small commission. This doesn’t affect the price you pay. It also doesn’t affect my review. How can you trust that? Because I still use Amazon Prime today.)

I lost my job, but kept my Amazon Prime membership. Here’s why…

If you buy things on Amazon, (or even if you don’t), you might want to check out the free Amazon Prime trial.

When I was a classroom teacher, making a decent steady income, having an Amazon Prime membership was a no-brainer. Now that I’ve gone from making a salary of $95,000 per year to $0 per year from an employer, it’s time to seriously review where I spend my money.

And… I’ve decided to keep my Amazon Prime membership.

(Keep reading or just click here if you want to jump down and see how Amazon Prime can save you money, even if you don’t buy things from Amazon.)

Here’s some important information to know from the Amazon Help & Customer Service – Amazon Prime Free Trial info page. This information was correct at the time of writing, but as always, it’s always good to check the source to see if anything has changed. Remember. We know nothing.

Amazon Prime Free Trial members get all of the same benefits as paid members.

This means you can get

  • Amazon Prime Video for free
  • Amazon Prime Music for free
  • Shipping benefits (FREE two-day shipping on lots of items.)
  • Amazon Prime Photos for free. (Unlimited photo storage)
  • Twitch Prime for free

You can do the free Amazon Prime 30 day trial once a year.

According to their help page, “if you haven’t been an Amazon Prime member in the last 12 months, you can sign up for a free trial.”

You need a current, valid credit card to sign up for the free 30-day trial. (Sorry, it’s one of those.)

We know how this game works:

  • You create an account with your credit card information.
  • You won’t be charged for your free trial, but at the end of the free trial, you will be automatically upgraded to a paid membership plan.
  • At this point, you get charged money.
  • For help turning off your Amazon Prime membership upgrade, visit the Amazon Customer Service page to find out how to cancel your Prime Membership

So, after the 30 day trial you have two choices:

OPTION 1. Cancel your membership.

Nice. You just got a month of free TWO-DAY Amazon Prime shipping. And, a chance to watch free movies, like Up in the Air. And, it cost you nothing. Free tastes good.

(Also, after 12 months, you can sign up for another free trial membership! Just confirm this is still the case by checking out their help page. Also, if you live in Quebec, the rules are a little different as well. But, you know this. )

OPTION 2. Keep your membership.

Nice. You have an Amazon Prime membership. Welcome to the club.

Why did I keep my Amazon Prime 30 day free trial membership?

Brad is going to laugh. Between the two of us, he’s definitely the frugal one.

He thinks I’m more of an impulse shopper and he might be right.

(I have no problem buying stuff, and then returning it later if I don’t actually need it. But, yeah, between the two of us, I have the larger Tim Hortons and Starbucks bill at the end of the month.)

I was going to cancel my Prime 30 day membership. I really was. (I’ve cancelled my Audible membership before… but I’ve since signed up again… and then cancelled. But, that’s another story.)

I bought a few things off of Amazon, and enjoyed the free 2-day Prime shipping. That’s great.

But, the real reason to keep Amazon Prime can be summed up in two words:


BestBuy routinely price-matches Amazon Prime. So does Staples.

(Chapters will not. Heck, Chapters will not price match their own online store…)

And I have saved a ton by getting stores to price match the Amazon Prime price. And just walked out the door, without having to wait for the free shipping.

So, it’s really the best of both worlds. You get Amazon Prime prices, but you can pick up the product the same day from BestBuy.

Bottom Line: Try Amazon Prime for free.

Why yes, if you actually try Amazon Prime for free by clicking the affiliate links on this page, Amazon will send us a little somethin-something for sending them some traffic. It doesn’t change the price you have to pay, but it does help keep the lights on. (Webhosting isn’t free, and in order to maintain this site, affiliate links do help out.)

Try Amazon Prime.